On average, employees at CenturyLink give their company a 3.9 rating out of 5.0 - which is equal to the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. The happiest CenturyLink employees are Software Developers submitting an average rating of 4.0 and Network Engineers also with a rating of 4.0.
"need my job back"
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
"I enjoyed my job until it was taken away from me"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"goodluck I was hoping to retire from there"
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"don't. no matter what they promise in the beginning, it all gets taken away"
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"they work people like slaves. I left when things started getting bad. I still talk with people who work there now and they are working from 7 am to midnight"
What suggestions do you have for management?
"remember people do have lives outside of CenturyTel"
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"research the company and its projects"
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
What suggestions do you have for management?
"have a more relaxed environment"
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
"The ability to balance my work and personal life."
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"I don't like the way they are handling contractors. Once a contractors service is up they are unable to renew for another contract or extension."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"I would like to see upper management fix the issue with not allowing contractors extensions."
"Great first job career growth opportunity up to medium level then stops"
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Opportunty to learn, created position as corporate photographer and reduced sourcing expenses"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Be ready to work hard"
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"career advancement limited"
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Sales Quotas"
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Determone Market area before assigning unrealistic quotas"
"Very extensive, precise and a unusual online job application process. Creative at best."
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
"They are a faith and family based company."
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Be open to organizational change."
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Centurylink believes in streamlining workforce which in most cases requires employees to acquire multiple job descriptions."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"None at this time."
"Fun to work at, but low pay."
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Flexibility with job and home life"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Be yourself and relax."
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Low pay and understaffing in certain areas"
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Hire more people for entry level positions and night staffing"
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Forward thinking, team orientated, progressive company"
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"It was all good."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Maintain your laser focus"
"New Company with two different goals."
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Flexible work hours"
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Changing of upper Management."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"To identify the Leads that can keep the day to day job going with changing everything."
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Taking care of my guests."
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Advancement was a slow procedure."
"Outstanding company"
What do you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Family atmosphere"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Be yourself!"
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Remote working in Monroe, LA"
What suggestions do you have for management?
"None, great work!"
What don't you like about working at CenturyLink?
"Mergers take a great toll on the emotions and yet are an important part of growth. We all committed ourselves to the company and yet layoffs are inevitable, as I found out."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"I would continue to keep team meetings and 90 day initiatives current as that helps the team maintain tactical focus."
CenturyLink has an overall rating of 3.9 Average Rating out of 5, based on over 153 CenturyLink Review Ratings left anonymously by CenturyLink employees, which is equal to the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. 95% of employees would recommend working at CenturyLink.
CenturyLink employees earn $60,000 annually on average, or $29 per hour, which is 9% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. 119 CenturyLink employees have shared their salaries on CareerBliss. Find CenturyLink Salaries by Job Title.
95% of employees would recommend working at CenturyLink with the overall rating of 3.9 out of 5. Employees also rated CenturyLink 3.9 out of 5 for Company Culture, 3.7 for Rewards You Receive, 3.3 for Growth Opportunities and 3.7 for support you get.
According to our data, the highest paying job at CenturyLink is a Cable Technician at $150,264,000 annually. Browse CenturyLink Salaries by Job Profile.
According to our data, the lowest paying job at CenturyLink is a Sales and Customer Service Associate at $10,000 annually. Browse CenturyLink Salaries by Job Profile.
According to reviews on CareerBliss, employees commonly rated the pros of working at CenturyLink to be Company Culture, Growth Opportunities, People You Work With and Person You Work For, and no cons.
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