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Working at Infosys in Charlotte, NC: 29 Employee Job Reviews by Real Employee working in Charlotte, NC Area

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On average, employees in Charlotte, NC at Infosys give their company a 3.3 rating out of 5.0 based on 29, whereas overall Average Rating of Infosys is 4.0 out of 5.0 based on 901 Infosys Review Ratings. The happiest Infosys employees in Charlotte, NC are Anonymous Employees submitting an average rating of 3.8.

Average Rating
(based on 793 Infosys Review Ratings)

Ratings by Category

Company Culture
Growth Opportunities
People You Work With
Person You Work For
Rewards You Receive
Support You Get
Way You Work
Work Setting
"I have been working with Infosys limited for more than 3 years now. The company is one of the best companies with great ethical values and great work culture."
Posted 11 years ago in Houston, TX

Working at Infosys in Charlotte, NC: 29 Employee Reviews

Junior Java Developer

"It was a good experience working in a professional environment"

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 4 / 5 Work Setting 4 / 5
Support You Get 4 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3 / 5 Growth Opportunities 4 / 5
Company Culture 3 / 5 Way You Work 4 / 5
Infosys Employee

"The DNA of this company is like nothing I have ever before seen. There is little communication unless you meet a certain demographic. There were many stories of successful sales where someone totally unrelated to the sale received the commission and the credit, while the person who was the procuring cause received nothing."

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 2 / 5 Work Setting 1 / 5
Support You Get 1 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3 / 5 Growth Opportunities 1 / 5
Company Culture 1 / 5 Way You Work 3 / 5
Infosys Employee

"I have worked at Infosys for 14 months. They offer a chance to many types of graduates to enter IT. The people whose projects you join tend to be nice, depending on company culture. Biggest negative, there is a lot of stress and extra hours that have to be exerted to deliver a project."

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 4 / 5 Work Setting 4 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3 / 5 Growth Opportunities 2 / 5
Company Culture 4 / 5 Way You Work 2 / 5
Infosys Employee

"I have been working for this company for 6 years and it is a pleasant company to work for."

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 5 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4 / 5 Growth Opportunities 5 / 5
Company Culture 4 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Infosys Employee

"Onsite bench policy sucks! Two weeks notice sucks! Appraisals and other career management programs suck big time! Nepotism, favoritism, etc. overshadow performance and hard work. Good company to stay for a maximum of one year. Or else you will stagnate to death."

Person You Work For 1 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 4 / 5
Support You Get 4 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3 / 5 Growth Opportunities 2 / 5
Company Culture 2 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Senior Systems Engineer

"Started working for Infosys from March 2011 as mobile developer. Have good experience in both Android and iPhone development. Published Android app for local train timing of Chennai City."

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 5 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4 / 5 Growth Opportunities 5 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Infosys Employee

"I have been part of Infosys for the past 7 years. The recent offshore/ onshore rotation is really a bad idea, given that I had worked at offshore for 5.5 years and waited for my onsite chance. The promotions have really dried out now, they seldom move people different projects."

Person You Work For 5 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 4 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3 / 5 Growth Opportunities 3 / 5
Company Culture 4 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Infosys Employee
Person You Work For 3 / 5 People You Work With 4 / 5 Work Setting 2 / 5
Support You Get 3 / 5 Rewards You Receive 2 / 5 Growth Opportunities 1 / 5
Company Culture 2 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Infosys Employee

"Good company to start your career but in this world, its always better to learn new things and move faster and this company is not ideal for this!"

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 4 / 5
Support You Get 4 / 5 Rewards You Receive 2 / 5 Growth Opportunities 2 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 3 / 5
Infosys Employee

"I have worked for 2 years in infosys. It was a good experience I have now. Gave me good chance to learn things."

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 4 / 5 Work Setting 2 / 5
Support You Get 2 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3 / 5 Growth Opportunities 5 / 5
Company Culture 2 / 5 Way You Work 4 / 5
Infosys Employee
Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 5 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4 / 5 Growth Opportunities 5 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Infosys Employee

"Good company to start your career."

Person You Work For 3 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 2 / 5
Support You Get 2 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3 / 5 Growth Opportunities 3 / 5
Company Culture 3 / 5 Way You Work 4 / 5
Infosys Employee

"It's a powerful company that in my opinion could care more for their employees. In order to improve and move up in the company they have Internal certifications and extra curricular activities that just pose overhead to the employee and don't really add value to his work or career."

Person You Work For 3 / 5 People You Work With 4 / 5 Work Setting 3 / 5
Support You Get 3 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3 / 5 Growth Opportunities 2 / 5
Company Culture 2 / 5 Way You Work 4 / 5
Infosys Employee

"Great company to grow up your skills, however, once you started to be involved in more projects and getting more experience, don't hesitate to move to another company. Don't kill yourself doing whatever is required to grow up inside this company."

Person You Work For 2 / 5 People You Work With 4 / 5 Work Setting 4 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 2 / 5 Growth Opportunities 2 / 5
Company Culture 3 / 5 Way You Work 4 / 5
Technology Analyst

"Great company to work in!!"

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 5 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4 / 5 Growth Opportunities 3 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5

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