MUFG Union Bank: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at MUFG Union Bank is $113K based on 13 user-submitted salaries
A total of 14 MUFG Union Bank employees gave MUFG Union Bank an average happiness rating of 3.9 out of 5.0.
2.8I worked for Union Bank since 2008 when it was an excellent company to work for and one which cared for, and respected, its employees. Since 2013, when MUFG decided to roll its American subsidiaries into one MUFG brand, it has all been downhill. Benefits have been reduced year-over-year, performance reviews are forced into low ranking territory to limit pay increases across the board, and the pace of meaningless change has grown to the point that it's been declared the "new normal" by executive management. IT oversight has become so bad since leadership shifted to NY that the work quality has diminished to the point where I have lost trust in the bank's ability to safeguard my own accounts. This is a complete shame, as I had high hopes for this one of the few remaining California-based banks. I write this in hope that someone, somewhere in the organization will get the message and wake-up because they seem to discount employee-raised red-flags completely.
4.8MUFG Union Bank doesn't just say they value their employees, they demonstrate it! Work-life balance is an important priority for leadership, as is career development. The employee intranet site enables social networking and employee resource groups, as well as provides company information and learning opportunities. The culture is one of teamwork and support, and having fun while we work to become the world's most trusted financial group.
3.8I've worked for MUFG Union bank since 2015 and it did give me a boost to understanding the banking business and the various products they handle across the country. I would definitely recommend anyone to apply for MUFG Union Bank. It was a great pleasure working there. I started off in San Francisco FiDi and then was relocated to the Oakland location.
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