MUFG Union Bank Salaries - How Much Does MUFG Union Bank Pay? Browse MUFG Union Bank Salaries by Job Title
What is the average salary for MUFG Union Bank employees in the United States?
MUFG Union Bank employees earn $113,500 annually on average, or $55 per hour, which is 53% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at MUFG Union Bank is 276,000 Managing Director at $a annually while the lowest paying job at MUFG Union Bank is a Senior eLearning Developer at $94,000 annually.
Find MUFG Union Bank Salaries by Job Title
13 MUFG Union Bank employees have shared their salaries on CareerBliss. Select your job title and find out how much you could make at MUFG Union Bank.
+$3K (2%) more than average MUFG Union Bank salary ($114K)
"Pay at MUFG Union Bank is managed by my parent company Xavient Digital LLC. So I was getting less compensation than others with the same role. I have been promoted from Developer to TechLead."
-$19K (18%) less than average MUFG Union Bank salary ($114K)
"Our pay at the company is good for what we do. Regional manager ideology was to keep a small staff of capable employees, and pay them well; instead of having a large staff of average employees."
-$18K (17%) less than average MUFG Union Bank salary ($114K)
"I started off as a Tax Specialist at a pay of $82,000 and eventually got promoted to Tax Manager and was paid $96,000 annually over my tenure of 5 yrs and 4 months. Compared to competitors and level of experience this is well below market level."
+$16K (13%) more than average MUFG Union Bank salary ($114K)
"I was treated unfairly in that I was offered a specified amount which was cut when I accepted the position. It was two years before the salary was readjusted, so I lost two years of a significant portion of the agreed-upon salary. Be careful to lock in the negotiated rate and know what you're asking for beforehand."