On average, employees at Texas Instruments give their company a 4.2 rating out of 5.0 - which is 7% higher than the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. The happiest Texas Instruments employees are Manufacturing Supervisors submitting an average rating of 4.3 and Software Engineers also with a rating of 4.3.
"Going to sink, current management does not know how to run a fab."
"TI is a very solid company that, while conservative in its product roadmap, is on solid footing with its customers. The culture is extremely inclusive and welcoming and you have a voice no matter what your level of employment. The major drawback to the organization I'm in (marketing communications) is that we are expected to take on many roles that are not in our wheelhouse of providing marketing strategy. Our partners don't really know how to make use of our collective skills. Management in my organization also does not do a good job of communicating large scale changes to the businesses we support, leaving us to explain things that we shouldn't have to."
"I have worked with Texas Instruments for 20 years and it is a great place to learn and grow. The management is very focused on business fundamentals and is not afraid to make a significant change in direction and find new segments to attack as businesses go from being high margin to a price-driven commodity."
"Very good experience working for Ti."
"I've worked for Texas Instruments for approximately two years. They feature a strong training program for new employees, great pay and benefits, and take ethics seriously."
"I worked for Texas Instruments for 25.5 years. They are a very strong company which is very big on ethical, safety, and quality."
"TI is a great company. They are a mature company with great benefits."
"it is a great company to work in and it is a good place to grow and the company is helping to get educational support and management is always supportive. I like the company because there are always opportunity for advancement and great benefit."
"I worked at Texas Instruments for 6 months as a Co-op in the AR Credit department. The work environment was not the best as some supervisors like to make their employees feel lesser than them. Overall, the experience was good as I learned a lot and was compensated well for my work."
"I've worked at TI since April 2019 in a research project and my experience has been very good."
"Texas Instruments is a great place to learn with very intelligent group of people. As one of the biggest semiconductor companies in the world, their work quality and culture really live up to the name value."
"I worked at Texas Instruments as a Field Applications Engineer Intern in Taipei, Taiwan, which is the Asian-Pacific headquarter. Not only the work itself was challenging and constatly-changing, but I also had access to numerous resources and help from my supervisor, mentor, and colleagues. I am grateful to have this practical experience during my Master's program."
"Working at TI is great and the work culture is exemplary. Safety remains the focus. it is a great place."
"I've worked at Texas Instruments since 2013. I found it to be a very well organized company with a lot of opportunities for career advancement and mentorship."
"Texas Instruments is a great company."
Texas Instruments has an overall rating of 4.2 Average Rating out of 5, based on over 149 Texas Instruments Review Ratings left anonymously by Texas Instruments employees, which is 8% higher than the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. 97% of employees would recommend working at Texas Instruments.
Texas Instruments employees earn $75,000 annually on average, or $36 per hour, which is 14% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. 54 Texas Instruments employees have shared their salaries on CareerBliss. Find Texas Instruments Salaries by Job Title.
97% of employees would recommend working at Texas Instruments with the overall rating of 4.2 out of 5. Employees also rated Texas Instruments 4.2 out of 5 for Company Culture, 4.1 for Rewards You Receive, 3.8 for Growth Opportunities and 4.3 for support you get.
According to our data, the highest paying job at Texas Instruments is a Director of New Business Opportunities at $191,000 annually. Browse Texas Instruments Salaries by Job Profile.
According to our data, the lowest paying job at Texas Instruments is a Material Control Analyst at $20,000 annually. Browse Texas Instruments Salaries by Job Profile.
According to reviews on CareerBliss, employees commonly rated the pros of working at Texas Instruments to be Company Culture, Growth Opportunities, People You Work With and Person You Work For, and no cons.
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