What is the average salary for Insight Global employees in Dallas, TX?
Insight Global employees in Dallas, TX earn $30,500 annually on average, or $15 per hour, which is 74% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Insight Global in Dallas, TX is 47,000 Professional Recruiter at $a annually while the lowest paying job in a at Insight Global is a Desktop Support Contractor at $32,000 annually.
Average Salaries at Insight Global for Popular Roles in Dallas, TX?
-$11K (30%) less than average Insight Global salary ($41K)
"The pay at Insight Global is decent for the work that Recruiters on average work on daily. It is definitely a great start salary that will only improve in time through commission as well as multiple growth opportunities in the Account Management as well as Pro Recruiter role."
-$11K (30%) less than average Insight Global salary ($41K)
"I understand why the salary is on the lower end. Given the turn over rate, I'm assuming the company cannot afford to invest too much into you right off the bat. However, I think the compensation is a contributing factor to the turn over rate. Yes, the long term financial payout is great, but it is a struggle getting through that first eight to nine months."
-$11K (30%) less than average Insight Global salary ($41K)
"Since I have not been working at this company for an extended period of time, I am still currently being paid the base salary of $30,000, with the opportunity to receive commission. As I move up in the company I will be able to grow the base salary."
-$11K (30%) less than average Insight Global salary ($41K)
"As previously stated that is all I would change about being a recruiter. I feel like I work really hard and that it is hard to make bills here since my family can't help me out. But I also know moving up will drastically change my salary so I plan on getting there quickly!"