How Much Does Insight Global Pay in Kansas City, MO?
What is the average salary for Insight Global employees in Kansas City, MO?
Insight Global employees in Kansas City, MO earn $200,000 annually on average, or $96 per hour, which is 101% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Insight Global in Kansas City, MO is 141,000 Sales Manager at $a annually.
Average Salaries at Insight Global for Popular Roles in Kansas City, MO?
+$159K (131%) more than average Insight Global salary ($41K)
"My compensation package is incredible. I have zero complaints on this and it's one of the most motivating parts of my job. When my people do well, I do well, and I take full responsibility of our failures as an office, as much as I do the successes."
What is the highest paying job at Insight Global in Kansas City, MO?
Sales Manager
is the highest paying job at Insight Global at $141,000 annually in Kansas City, MO.
What is the lowest paying job at Insight Global in Kansas City, MO?
Xerox Accounts Associate
is the lowest paying job at Insight Global at $141,000 annually in Kansas City, MO.
How much does Insight Global pay an hour in Kansas City, MO?
On an average Insight Global employees earn approximately $96 per hour in Kansas City, MO.
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