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Working at Idearc Media in Loma Linda, CA: 2 Employee Job Reviews by Real Employee working in Loma Linda, CA Area

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On average, employees in Loma Linda, CA at Idearc Media give their company a 1.6 rating out of 5.0 based on 2, whereas overall Average Rating of Idearc Media is 4.1 out of 5.0 based on 61 Idearc Media Review Ratings. The happiest Idearc Media employees in Loma Linda, CA are Media Consultants submitting an average rating of 4.0.

Average Rating
(based on 12 Idearc Media Review Ratings)

Ratings by Category

Company Culture
Growth Opportunities
People You Work With
Person You Work For
Rewards You Receive
Support You Get
Way You Work
Work Setting
"I thoroughly enjoyed working with Idearc Media during my time there. I liked how they implemented the use of technology in all areas of employee communications and work environment. I also felt my supervisors fully appreciated all the work efforts both I and my team endured especially during the stress filled early days of setting up our department and product."
Posted 10 years ago in Dallas, TX

Working at Idearc Media in Loma Linda, CA: 2 Employee Reviews

Media Consultant

"Unfortunately Idearc Media focused too much in selling Yellow Pages, an industry that is becoming obsolete"

What do you like about working at Idearc Media?

"I learned many sales skills to retain customers and bring new customers to the industy. My Managers were experts and great teachers."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"To try the company, as a whole it's a good learning experience, and perhaps if the economy turns, the industry will become more profitable."

What don't you like about working at Idearc Media?

"The industry itself is not progressing."

What suggestions do you have for management?

"I loved the management team."

Media Consultant
Person You Work For 1.1 / 5 People You Work With 4.9 / 5 Work Setting 3 / 5
Support You Get 2.1 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4.8 / 5 Growth Opportunities 1.1 / 5
Company Culture 3 / 5 Way You Work 3 / 5

Company-Industry Rating Comparison

Idearc Media (61)

4.5 Highest Rated in this Industry is iCIMS (9)
2.4 Lowest Rated in this Industry is (12)
3.6 Average of All Companies in this Industry (4,006)
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