GC Services: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at GC Services is $24K based on 464 user-submitted salaries
A total of 16 GC Services employees gave GC Services an average happiness rating of 3.0 out of 5.0.
1.4I work at GC Services Knoxville, TN for 5.5 years. The place is nasty, dusty, and dirty with a serious insect problem from the bathrooms, break rooms, carpet, desks, computers and chairs. If you have allergies, beware! The air quality is stinking, dusty and moldy. The pay is not worth it; min. wage to start unless you work in student loans, then you will make more, but still not worth it. They are such a poorly run company, that they keep losing contracts. I worked for 3 different companies in my time there and they lost another company that I did not work for. The management is the worst; they yell and scream at you while you’re on the phone trying to hear the customers. I had to go on FLMA and got terminated without any warning after 5.5 years. However, it was a blessing in disguise. I should not have stayed as long I did, it really messed up my mental health; I went into a very deep depression. I have new job paying almost twice as much and I'm getting more respect at work. I know times are tough, but GC Services is not worth it. The place needs to be out of business. Do yourself a favor and find another place to work. If you do go to work there, only stay there 6 months to a year just to get some experience and keep your resume up to date to get another job.
1.9This company wants the cheapest people they can do to get the job done at the minimal ability it takes to do it. Period.
GC Services Careers & Info
GC Services Overview
GC Services provides its clients numerous cost effective management solutions, specializing in customer care services and accounts receivable management. Originally a one man operation that handled accounts receivable for the oil and gas industry, they’ve evolved into a global entity with over 9,000 employees operating out of 30 call center locations with its headquarters in Houston, TX. It’s their quality service that has lead to a steady and constant growth. In turn, GC Services has maintained business relationships that have lasted decades.
GC Services Job Information
GC Services is an outsourcing leader. One of the largest business processing providers in the country, they are committed to a high level of quality service. Succeeding at this has allowed GC Services to remain a standalone entity that has never had to play a role in any acquisition or merger. This has given them a foundation of industry longevity, financial strength and a promising stability for its employees.
GC Services knows its staff was key to that success. They know you can’t take pride in 50 years of stability without acknowledging the individuals that do the work. They want qualified applicants that are looking for exciting careers in everything from legal to management to clerical to teleservices with a company that’s built itself brick by brick.
What jobs pay the most at GC Services?
VP of Operations
is the highest paying job at GC Services at $120,000 annually.
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