On average, employees at AlliedBarton Security Services give their company a 3.1 rating out of 5.0 - which is 23% lower than the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. The happiest AlliedBarton Security Services employees are Receptionists submitting an average rating of 4.4 and Security Officers with a rating of 3.2.
"pros: consistent pay many places to work Cons: management shows favortism lack of proper proceedures to protect female guards Managers will push you to quit unstable hours or no chance for overtime"
"The company at the time was run by people who literally just got hired to be supervisors, or just didn't have a clue on how to do their job right. You get written up being 1 minute late. If late 3 times in a year you're fired. Doesn't matter if there's a serious car accident with the car on fire with debris on the road blocking traffic. Doesn't matter how bad traffic is with the rain. Doesn't matter that you must park literally 1 mile from the job site since they are more strict on parking than city parking enforcement. Oh but overtime is mandatory. You work some very odd shifts and not uncommon to be at the site for over 14 hours. They will tell you you can't leave. Doesn't matter if you tell them the schedule you can work. That's why they got sued for breaking all kinds of labor laws. I didn't like how they managed the sites. It could of been better. You're not seen as a person. You're just a body that needs to fill a post. No opportunities to move up. If you apply for a particular site they tell you that you're better for another site. Doesn't matter if the other site is closer to home. You get treated pretty badly to the point you end up looking for other work. Got called into the office one time what they call tardiness not clocking in on a phone on time. You're late if you clock in 1 bloody minute over the start time. Now multiple people must clock in at a very specific time in order to start the shift. If it takes longer than 1 minute talking to the sign in service you're late. You're seen as lazy. I compare the job to Amazon warehouse. If you're 10 seconds over doing you're tasks you're gone. Park in the wrong spot. They tow your car and fire you. You get treated so bad to the point you start getting mad yourself at home. Not worth it."
"This is one of the worst companies to work at. I had family die and was refused my funeral days as well as my PTO days for the funeral. Favorites are played when moving up into supervising positions. People there were falsifying information on there logs, Account Manager was notified and nothing happened, and then threatened job security if HR found out. Find a different company to work for, you are just a number to them and they don't care about you and your family."
"This company and security companies in general are all a joke. Allied only allows you to use revolvers at armed accounts!!! Seriously? So when I use all six shots that my revolver has and the bad guy still has rounds left what am I supposed to do....through my gun at him. What idiocracy. There is no such thing as a high level security guard position. All security officers are looked at by Allied Barton, Customers, On Lookers, and Clients as worthless dead beats. They also know that we are useless in the advent of anything serious taking place. That is why nothing is reinvested into security officers. That is why as a security officer: You are paid little to nothing. Never trained on anything that would allow you to take action. Usually receive no training anyways. Don't get to partake in company wide bonuses. Usually never receive an annual pay raise. Don't get paid more for having more education. Don't get paid more for having more experience. Don't get to keep you'r "earned pay rate," if transferred or reassigned to another clients site. Don't have any say in how or why security procedures should be implemented at the site level. Are never a part of company wide changes. Have to deal with managers who have no leadership skills, no concept of legal premises, and do a typically horrible job at communication. Work horrible hours: Nights, Weekends, and Rotating Shifts often management expects its officers to always fill whatever openings they have. Officers are treated like cattle, numbers, and materialistic "products.""
"I've been working for Allied Barton since 2012, this is an ok company with ok possibility of growth but for someone looking for a little something, that can work."
"There is no opportunity for upward mobility unless someone gets terminated or removed from the site for an issue or incident. Although this job is just a means to an end, I could not stay long term for various reasons."
"Very good to work with and excellent overtime."
"The company needs to come under new management and the workplace morale would improve with some positive changes within the company."
"The company needs to be under new management, but the people working there are hard working mostly."
"I've worked for AlliedBarton for a year. This company was the worst job I have ever worked in! The employers like to play favorites and are very unprofessional. You would think the HR would be understanding to anyone's situation but once again, if you don't have a family connection whatsoever, you're on your own. Ever since AlliedBarton had became a Union. My Supervisors and higher ups been purposely setting up my officers, for them to walk out from the job! I haven't witnessed anything crueler!"
"Run. Away. Seriously. AlliedBarton is a terrible company that will not provide you with good training, just enough to cover themselves for liability. Run."
"I stand alone the rain, freezing cold, and sweltering heat, deal with mentally disturbed people occasionally, for just above minimum wage with condescending supervisors and account managers who make the most outrageous pay mistakes and fraudulent documents, like filling out post schedules with security officers names simply to appease the clients, but having no such appointed post for the named security officers. The negative list is much longer, but I think that you get the point."
"Not enough communication."
What do you like about working at AlliedBarton Security Services?
"What I liked about working at the company is that I became the night supervisor."
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Ask for job locations close to where you live or for employment within a ten mile radius if at all possible."
What don't you like about working at AlliedBarton Security Services?
"I did not like the communication breakdown, guards falsifying records, and structure damage."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Management must always communicate adequately with all fellow emplooyees at all times."
What do you like about working at AlliedBarton Security Services?
"Positive team work, nice environment, great people close to home"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"steady work National company good people and nice environment would recommend"
What don't you like about working at AlliedBarton Security Services?
"the work time is based on school days so off in summer"
What suggestions do you have for management?
"I think that the constant improvement approach is the only way to go"
"It was a decent first job."
What do you like about working at AlliedBarton Security Services?
"The people I work with and my schedule but most of it is due to my boss and not the company"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"They are only looking to hire bodies to fill hours, nothing real special needed to get hired."
What don't you like about working at AlliedBarton Security Services?
"Being rewarded only with good job emails and being passed up for promotions numerous times despite being the hardest worker on the shift with no supervisor."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Communicate more with the people you have to work with."
AlliedBarton Security Services has an overall rating of 3.1 Average Rating out of 5, based on over 48 AlliedBarton Security Services Review Ratings left anonymously by AlliedBarton Security Services employees, which is 21% lower than the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. 71% of employees would recommend working at AlliedBarton Security Services.
AlliedBarton Security Services employees earn $28,000 annually on average, or $13 per hour, which is 58% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. 12 AlliedBarton Security Services employees have shared their salaries on CareerBliss. Find AlliedBarton Security Services Salaries by Job Title.
71% of employees would recommend working at AlliedBarton Security Services with the overall rating of 3.1 out of 5. Employees also rated AlliedBarton Security Services 2.8 out of 5 for Company Culture, 2.6 for Rewards You Receive, 2.5 for Growth Opportunities and 2.9 for support you get.
According to our data, the highest paying job at AlliedBarton Security Services is a President at $220,000 annually. Browse AlliedBarton Security Services Salaries by Job Profile.
According to our data, the lowest paying job at AlliedBarton Security Services is a Collector at $14,000 annually. Browse AlliedBarton Security Services Salaries by Job Profile.
According to reviews on CareerBliss, employees commonly rated the pros of working at AlliedBarton Security Services to be People You Work With, Person You Work For, Way You Work and Work Setting, and cons to be Company Culture and Growth Opportunities.
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