Systems Administrator Job & Career Information

What's it like to be a Systems Administrator?

We have 5,319 Systems Administrator jobs nationwide. The average Systems Administrator salary is $61,000 annually, -$5K (7%) less than the average national salary. Statistically, Systems Administrators are very happy with their career.

$61,000 Average Salary

Employee Reviews (1,957 reviews)

3.8 out of 5 stars
  • "It's the challenge and satisfaction you receive from keeping your environment up, running, and healthy. The best systems admin is the one you never see. Anyone that knows the business, should know what I mean. I also like the opportunity to learn new things and integrate where necessary like using GLADE, Python and eclipse to develop a GUI for an application that was command line only. Small app, but I had a blast learning. It was a front end for the Dev team at OTS and they loved it."

  • "I love the challenges that come with the position. This industry is forever changing. Learning the new technologies and overcoming the new issues that get introduced with implementing the new technology. These challenges are very rewarding and bring a huge sense of accomplishment. Having that feeling is the epitome of loving your job!"

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