Sales Representative Job & Career Information

What's it like to be a Sales Representative?

We have 31,334 Sales Representative jobs nationwide. The average Sales Representative salary is $41,000 annually, -$25K (46%) less than the average national salary. Statistically, Sales Representatives are very happy with their career.

$41,000 Average Salary

Employee Reviews (3,421 reviews)

3.7 out of 5 stars
  • "Nordstrom separates itself from others in the industry by incorporating detailed, long lasting relationships with each of their customers. Employees are trained to complete outfits for the customer's occasion rather than sell one or two items. In other words, most of the sales staff act as a personal shopper to their customers. The staff also utilize a CRM system to send out promotional opportunities, thank you cards, call backs and appointment reminders."

  • "I love the fact that there are many opportunities to grow and learn within the company. Chetu encourages personal growth and there is no ceiling to how far you can grow with the company. I found the experience of working with Chetu rewarding and the skills I learned at Chetu during my tenure as a sales rep have demonstrated to me that if I can sell at Chetu, I can sell anywhere. I will always look fondly at my time as a Chetu sales representative."

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