Retail Sales Manager Job & Career Information

What's it like to be a Retail Sales Manager?

We have 23,101 Retail Sales Manager jobs nationwide. The average Retail Sales Manager salary is $51,000 annually, -$15K (25%) less than the average national salary. Statistically, Retail Sales Managers are very happy with their career.

$51,000 Average Salary

Employee Reviews (74 reviews)

3.7 out of 5 stars
  • Retail Sales Manager @ AT&T in Chula Vista, CA

    "I have worked for AT&T since 2016. I have been able to grow my career and learn helpful skills in order to flourish. Compensation is great as well! Not to mention all of the additional benefits and perks."

  • Retail Sales Manager @ REI in Lakewood, CO

    "Great place to work! Amazing staff, and a great work environment that is incredibly supportive. Everyone there is not only looking to help you succeed at all of your goals, but to ensure that everyone is entitled to a life out doors. The things that REI does for the out door community is very inspirational as well, and makes you feel incredible for being a part of it."

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