Loan Analyst Job & Career Information

What's it like to be a Loan Analyst?

We have 399 Loan Analyst jobs nationwide. The average Loan Analyst salary is $47,000 annually, -$19K (33%) less than the average national salary. Statistically, Loan Analysts are very happy with their career.

$47,000 Average Salary

Employee Reviews (19 reviews)

3.9 out of 5 stars
  • Loan Analyst @ M&M Consulting in Los Angeles, CA

    "This company is very complicated to work with at times."

  • Loan Analyst @ First Republic Bank in San Francisco, CA

    "First Republic is a great company to its employees. They offer many benefits not seen at a company as large as FRB. The management teams seem to really care about their employees. The only negative aspect I saw during my time at FRB is the "culture" seemed a little forced and mocked behind the scenes. They are also behind in technology when compared to competitors, but are working to improve frantically. If you are looking for a career in banking I would recommend FRB."

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