Hyundai Motors: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Hyundai Motors is $50K based on 1,155 user-submitted salaries
A total of 107 Hyundai Motors employees gave Hyundai Motors an average happiness rating of 3.8 out of 5.0.
3.9Hyundai was a great place to work and overall they were very supportive. However, the middle management at Hyundai is not so good. Often uneducated and not very well versed in the simplest management theory. They tend to hire people for management jobs that are just figure-heads that take orders from upper management in Korea but do not add much to the intellectual capital or innovative force required in today's corporation.
Hyundai is top down a company from Korea and they do not give their management much power. Hence, your manager is powerless to help you do much of anything. The environment is not diverse and change is very slow to impossible unless it comes from Korea (top down). In fact, there are no organizational charts allowed so structure is always a mystery and that causes overall confusion from the employees. Often because there is no real structure or collaborative groups - the subdivisions are often on their own without leadership from anyone or any group. They are often without direction or organization resulting in infighting, information silos and unproductive behavior in general.
However, it appears that Hyundai Motors is trying to move into the 21st century and they are trying to do the right thing because if words matter, they publish the right ideas and it appears that they are genuinely concerned for the people that work for Hyundai. So in conclusion it is a very interesting environment and might be worth a stop on your career path just to see what happens when top-down management in the 21st century is used to manage a company. Strangely enough, against all odds, it does work.
2.5I have worked for Hyundai Translead for 9 years and have found that the company looks to promote based on nepotism and cultural background than based around hard work and effort. The company provides good insurance benefits but below average pay compensation and monetary growth is extremely slow. This also applies to position growth unless you fall into the prior statement.
2.3I have for this company for over 6 months. I feel like this place is wasting a lot of it's potential. They have a prime location, upscale clientele and a diverse and skilled group of sales people. But the owner puts too much pressure on it's management and sales people. Also the pay plan should be upgraded. Because of the clientele, this is not a good place to learn how to sell cars. The hours are horrible. My advice to the owner take better care of your staff.
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