Honeywell Technology Solutions: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Honeywell Technology Solutions is $62K based on 705 user-submitted salaries
A total of 191 Honeywell Technology Solutions employees gave Honeywell Technology Solutions an average happiness rating of 4.0 out of 5.0.
Management should have a longer view of each branch financial needs as far as expenses. They should give an employee more time to adjust to positions in management. If they need branch managers, they should hire branch managers and not bring personnel in as field service leaders and put them in positions they are trained to handle. Allow someone at least two years to train and adjust to a management position. If you are looking for a job that is stable you may want to look elsewhere. You may have to relocate to keep your job.
4Honeywell is a good company to work for if you don't mind being under constant pressure of potentially being RIF'd (Reduction in Force). The pay is adequate but there is a culture of "suck-ups" getting promoted over the doers. In one internal interview for another position I was told that I was not well enough known by the higher ups because my systems were never down. The person who managed a tool that brought pain and suffering to the masses got the job since they were in constant contact with management because their tool did not work as advertised.
3.7Honeywell Fire Systems Group in an established market leader in fire protection systems world wide. They realize to stay competitive they must continue to develop solutions based on evolving technologies. At the same time they realize that they must create fire protection platforms that can be configured and scaled to meet the various markets with different regulatory and historical precedence. The challenge for them is to do this with limited resources and product delivery expectations imposed upon them by Honeywell corporate executives which seem to come and go frequently.
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