Grundfos: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We currently have 1 open jobs at Grundfos.
We've calculated that the average salary at Grundfos is $63K based on 29 user-submitted salaries
A total of 13 Grundfos employees gave Grundfos an average happiness rating of 4.4 out of 5.0.
Well, they should go on a management course, however, they would never become good leaders at all, because their integrity is not there, and will never be there, that is something one is born and brought up with, not something you learn on a 2 weeks course! To the owners of Grundfos, please let some competent CEO's, and Presidents run the show, the company will be much more successful. Please treat your employees with some respect, and pay them what they and their position is worth, instead of putting them on a survival salary only. AND, when reloacting people, please pay for their relocation both ways! and when sending employees to other countries, please pay insurance for the WHOLE family instead of only for the employee....
3.3I hired into Pearless (Grundfos) in September of 2018. A couple of weeks in they announced there was going to be a major restructuring. I also found that the company was in serious financial distress. Many people began to leave. I decided to stay to make an impact in bringing the company back to a stable operating condition. It is now I have decided that I am not sure of the future of the Pearless site. Thus, I have begun my search.