On average, employees in Sunnyvale, CA at Applied Micro Circuits give their company a 1.1 rating out of 5.0 based on 4, whereas overall Average Rating of Applied Micro Circuits is 4.1 out of 5.0 based on 21 Applied Micro Circuits Review Ratings. The happiest Applied Micro Circuits employees in Sunnyvale, CA are Director of Strategic Marketings submitting an average rating of 4.3 and Staff Verification Engineers with a rating of 0.0.
What do you like about working at Applied Micro Circuits?
"Opportunity to work on Network processors Architecture"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Spell out your requirements clearly and make sure you get them before joining."
What don't you like about working at Applied Micro Circuits?
"Lack of commitment to fullfil promises."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Equal opportunity to all, not just hiring from personal networking groups."
"It is a good idea"
What do you like about working at Applied Micro Circuits?
"I needed the work and that is all."
What don't you like about working at Applied Micro Circuits?
"Horrible management style"
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Show respect for the employees, properly man the projects and let the employes have a personal life."
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