Zume Inc.: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Zume Inc. is $145K based on 13 user-submitted salaries
A total of 15 Zume Inc. employees gave Zume Inc. an average happiness rating of 4.1 out of 5.0.
3.8I have worked at Zume for past 11 months. They are looking to solve a great problem of reducing food waste and converting world to use sustainable food packaging.
Pros: Great Team of Engineers
Cons: Management not sure of path to success and trying hand at a lot of things. Softbank's recent history badly affected Zume and they underwent major layoffs. No longer sure if company will survive.
4.9It has been great to work with my colleagues at my past employer Zume, Inc. There are many really talented and experienced people from previously big companies. I learned a lot from the experience and I believe that will benefit the next company that I come to. To be fair, I don't fully understand the CEO's take on some of the business matters at the firm. But I really cherish the opportunity and the people I work with are all amazing.
3.7I worked for Zume for 1.5+ years. I enjoyed my time, co-workers, and mission. However, I feel there is much to be desired from top-down (executive level) management as the company hit several bumps in the road, had several rounds of layoffs, and lost funding. I was disappointed when the company let the rest of the team go unexpectedly
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