University at Buffalo: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at University at Buffalo is $30K based on 241 user-submitted salaries
A total of 48 University at Buffalo employees gave University at Buffalo an average happiness rating of 4.4 out of 5.0.
4.8I have been working at University at Buffalo as a Research Assistant since August 2018 and Currently doing research in the field of Human Factors for surgeons in surgery. My research is to describe the physical workload in terms of awkward postures of surgeons conducting vaginal surgeries sampling from vaginal surgeons using a reliable, observation-based ergonomic posture assessment tool called ErgoPART, resulting in an ideal case study for studying physical risk factors of surgeons related to the development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. This study contributes to the studies of assessing physical risk factors by providing a method to investigate workers’ postural loading with respect to the upper body postures consisting of multiple joint postures that were not done before. The study provides more detailed information on the surgeon's postural loading and occupational risk. Facilities and scope provided by University at Buffalo for research is top class
3.4A great stable place to work with plenty of opportunity to explore what you want in the technology space.
Not a great place to move up the ladder and the pay is so-so being that it is a state job, but the stability and benefits are good.
Tough to get noticed or stand-out without stepping on a few feet being that there are so many employees here.
5I have been working as a student assistant at the Academic Resource Center. I teach mathematics to undergrad students. I was given the opportunity to work as teaching assistant during the summer. I have a good rapport with my boss and other coworkers. I love my job.
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