Steward Job & Career Information

What's it like to be a Steward?

We have 1,480 Steward jobs nationwide. The average Steward salary is $26,000 annually, -$40K (86%) less than the average national salary. Statistically, Stewards are very happy with their career.

$26,000 Average Salary

Employee Reviews (10 reviews)

3.2 out of 5 stars
  • "Working on the boat was a life-changing and growing experience. I felt like an important team member and part of a family. It was neat to see new places."

  • Steward @ St. Regis Hotel in Atlanta, GA

    "I feel that we don't have enough people to handle the increasing demands of working a busy shifts, say for example at nights when there are large banquet functions and dinner. I also feel that they don't complete the equipment required in advanced before the functions occur instead of doing them at the very last minute."

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