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Working at Staples in Columbia, MD: 1 Employee Job Reviews by Real Employee working in Columbia, MD Area

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On average, employees in Columbia, MD at Staples give their company a 3.8 rating out of 5.0 based on 1, whereas overall Average Rating of Staples is 3.5 out of 5.0 based on 319 Staples Review Ratings. The happiest Staples employees in Columbia, MD are Easy Technology Associates submitting an average rating of 3.3.

Average Rating
(based on 200 Staples Review Ratings)

Ratings by Category

Company Culture
Growth Opportunities
People You Work With
Person You Work For
Rewards You Receive
Support You Get
Way You Work
Work Setting
"Staples provided a good environment to grow as a young professional, and gave me the tools needed to really develop my current skillset and grow new talents. Management had a strong focus on their current employees, but would often times favor other employees based on geographical location. Overall, a good workplace, great co-workers, and good compensation. Major con would be one of my direct supervisors being a bit more of a party goer than I was, which would cause issues when I didn't want to go out to bars after a long work-day (this was frowned upon in the high-pressure sales environment)."
Posted 10 years ago in Framingham, MA

Working at Staples in Columbia, MD: 1 Employee Reviews

Easy Technology Associate

"I started there in November of 2013, and from my understanding, my job was to fix and repair computers, but that is not what I'm doing. It's mainly restocking and fixing shelves. Even though I enjoyed the job, I was very disappointed."

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 3 / 5
Support You Get 4 / 5 Rewards You Receive 2 / 5 Growth Opportunities 3 / 5
Company Culture 4 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5

Company-Industry Rating Comparison

Staples (319)

4.6 Highest Rated in this Industry is Lehigh Press (8)
2.7 Lowest Rated in this Industry is Aaron Brothers (16)
3.6 Average of All Companies in this Industry (7,571)

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