Senior Software Engineer Job & Career Information

What's it like to be a Senior Software Engineer?

We have 7,879 Senior Software Engineer jobs nationwide. The average Senior Software Engineer salary is $91,000 annually, +$25K (31%) more than the average national salary. Statistically, Senior Software Engineers are very happy with their career.

$91,000 Average Salary

Employee Reviews (3,906 reviews)

3.9 out of 5 stars
  • "I love the fact that you can make a difference to the world. There are unlimited possibilities for machines and the engineers who power them."

  • "Daily challenges are like logic puzzles, and you have to think through them, understand how they work and then move on to the next puzzle. As a Senior Software Engineer, this also starts to bleed into personnel management, which has it's own set of intricacies, which I also particularly love."

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