S&S Cycle: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We currently have 1 open jobs at S&S Cycle.
We've calculated that the average salary at S&S Cycle is $55K based on 8 user-submitted salaries
A total of 2 S&S Cycle employees gave S&S Cycle an average happiness rating of 4.4 out of 5.0.
4.4Fantastic place to work. Fantastic people to work with. Very casual when communication with co workers. No obstruction in getting the tasks at hand completed. It's a niche industry that most people will never experience and shows bikers in a very positive light. The only downside at S&S Cycle is the location. Being so far out in the bluffs makes it hard to find the talent and retain the talent needed to move into the internet age.
4.3I've worked for S&S Cycle for twenty years. It's a great company for those looking to be involved with the powersports industry and enjoy a rural lifestyle and a family owned company atmosphere.
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