Rogers: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Rogers is $51K based on 181 user-submitted salaries
A total of 49 Rogers employees gave Rogers an average happiness rating of 4.2 out of 5.0.
3.8I was told that Rogers is a hard place to work and that the turnover was high.The work load was high, the expectations and training were not balanced.Detachment from the team was high and was the cause of miscommunication.The people on the team were really good at what they did, but tensions were always high.
4.5Rogers is an amazing company to work for, that is the reason I work there for over 10 years. they always the first to launch new technologies, they have a various program for employes such as share, retirement plan, insurance and more and I m not surprised when I heard that they won one of the top 100 employers of 2020 in Canada
3.5I was a contractor at Rogers Media, for 8 months, with promises of a permanent future, sadly they hired someone else, and told me I was over qualified, and would not be happy at the current position, but there was no room for me in another department. Before my end date I still transitioned my replacement and held my head high.
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