What is the average salary for Raytheon employees in Chula Vista, CA?
Raytheon employees in Chula Vista, CA earn $80,666 annually on average, or $39 per hour, which is 20% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Raytheon in Chula Vista, CA is 69,000 Anonymous Employee at $an annually while the lowest paying job in a at Raytheon is a Health Safety and Environmental Manager
at $100,000 annually.
Average Salaries at Raytheon for Popular Roles in Chula Vista, CA?
-$47K (87%) less than average Raytheon salary ($77K)
"I started at $13.00 and left the company with only $14.30. While other people who are doing the same thing we do received $18 + per hour at start. How is that for being underpaid."