What is the average salary for PwC employees in Brazil, IN?
PwC employees in Brazil, IN earn $48,000 annually on average, or $23 per hour, which is 32% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at PwC in Brazil, IN is 80,000 Tax Consultant at $a annually.
Average Salaries at PwC for Popular Roles in Brazil, IN?
"I started at The Firm as a trainee in 2013 and my monthly salary was around BRL 2,000.00 monthly with full benefits, extra hours, language proficiency extra pay and yearly bonuses. After almost 5 years in the Firm and yearly successful promotions my average salary was BRL 5.000,00, full benefits package, extra hours, language proficiency extra pay and yearly bonuses. I was satisfied with my salary and continue opportunity to grow, I left the Company due to my move to leave in California."