"Although I was only employed by Pool Logic for six months, my rapport with the company is still very positive. This is a new branch for a still relatively new company. I was apart of the opening team for this specific location and was able to see it grow from the ground up. They have a commitment to excellence in customer service and believe in being completely transparent with their clients about the details that most construction companies don't necessarily want to share. In the end, it was not a good fit for me as this company is solely a construction company and I was neither passionate about the work nor do I have the technical background necessary for upward growth that I desire."
Pool Logic has an overall rating of 4.6 Average Rating out of 5, based on over 1 Pool Logic Review Ratings left anonymously by Pool Logic employees, which is 18% higher than the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. 100% of employees would recommend working at Pool Logic.
Pool Logic employees earn $210,000 annually on average, or $101 per hour, which is 218% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. 1 Pool Logic employees have shared their salaries on CareerBliss. Find Pool Logic Salaries by Job Title.
100% of employees would recommend working at Pool Logic with the overall rating of 4.6 out of 5. Employees also rated Pool Logic 5.0 out of 5 for Company Culture, 5.0 for Rewards You Receive, 2.0 for Growth Opportunities and 5.0 for support you get.
According to reviews on CareerBliss, employees commonly rated the pros of working at Pool Logic to be Company Culture, People You Work With, Person You Work For and Rewards You Receive, and cons to be Growth Opportunities.
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