Polycom : Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Polycom is $89K based on 216 user-submitted salaries
A total of 49 Polycom employees gave Polycom an average happiness rating of 3.9 out of 5.0.
4.6I worked for Poly, formerly Polycom, for over 20 years. As the technological environment changed Polycom adapted third product and service offerings and the associated company resources to match market requirements. The company provided an excellent work environment and benefits package. The one thing that could use improvement is the opportunity to retrain for a different role as changes occurred. Other than that I found my work at Polycom engaging, fulfilling and beneficial to both myself and the organization.
3.5I worked for only a year at Polycom, but worked with the company as a partner for a decade previous to that. When I joined I found the environment good (above average).
Recent changes at the executive level though have made the company unstable from an employment and strategic direction perspective.
Develop a video bridge in Austin and phase out the products from the former Accord The endpoints and the bridges never work well together. Tandberg has killed Polycom in this area. The bridges and the endpoints need to be developed in Austin. -jjl
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