Plant Technician Job & Career Information

What's it like to be a Plant Technician?

We have 2,425 Plant Technician jobs nationwide. The average Plant Technician salary is $41,000 annually, -$25K (46%) less than the average national salary. Statistically, Plant Technicians are very happy with their career.

$41,000 Average Salary

Employee Reviews (8 reviews)

4 out of 5 stars
  • "I loved all the people around helping me out, willing to show me how to do the things. What I hate was sometimes or often we were short staff so you have to work double or more."

  • "Although I am a licensed operator, I took a trainee position. In 3 short months I was promoted to Tech II. I find my position to be delightfully challenging which keeps the job interesting and enjoyable. I get to use hands on and mental skills to maintain optimal process conditions. This job is perfect for those of us who enjoy positions which require; attention to detail, decision making, trouble shooting, teamwork, innovation, above average technical work, and being proactive."

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