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Nissan Motor Employee Reviews for Vehicle Remarketer

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Average Rating
(based on 1 Vehicle Remarketer Review Rating)
Vehicle Remarketer
in Irving, TX

"It was an alright job but the opportunites for promotion weren't there."

What do you like about working at Nissan Motor?

"My coworkers were great, they made it like a family atmosphere."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Stay focused on the reason you are there and dont get distracted on other personal issues."

What don't you like about working at Nissan Motor?

"There was never a lot of opportunity for promotion and ideas that were presented would sometimes be credited to others."

What suggestions do you have for management?

"Crete more opportunities for promotion as an incentive plan and be more open to new ideas for performing task."

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 3 / 5
Support You Get 3 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3 / 5 Growth Opportunities 2 / 5
Company Culture 3 / 5 Way You Work 4 / 5
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