What is the average salary for Morgan Stanley employees in Tempe, AZ?
Morgan Stanley employees in Tempe, AZ earn $97,500 annually on average, or $47 per hour, which is 39% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Morgan Stanley in Tempe, AZ is 68,000 Anonymous Employee at $an annually.
Average Salaries at Morgan Stanley for Popular Roles in Tempe, AZ?
+$30K (40%) more than average Morgan Stanley salary ($60K)
"I'm not familiar with the local market VP salaries in financial services having recently moved to Phoenix. I believe I would be considered underpaid."
+$45K (54%) more than average Morgan Stanley salary ($60K)
"My salary is a reflection of my experience, skills, and hard work. Unsure if I should compare myself to others in my role, but feel grateful for having the opportunity I do."