"challenging work environment. Good work life balance"
"I do not to prefer to leave a review at this time"
"I've worked for Hudson Insurance Group for over a year and a half. Very flat company which allows for a lot of visibility to the work you accomplish. Very friendly environment and people. Wish there were more opportunity in tech."
Hudson Insurance Group has an overall rating of 3.3 Average Rating out of 5, based on over 3 Hudson Insurance Group Review Ratings left anonymously by Hudson Insurance Group employees, which is 15% lower than the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. 100% of employees would recommend working at Hudson Insurance Group.
Hudson Insurance Group employees earn $65,000 annually on average, or $31 per hour, which is 2% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. 3 Hudson Insurance Group employees have shared their salaries on CareerBliss. Find Hudson Insurance Group Salaries by Job Title.
100% of employees would recommend working at Hudson Insurance Group with the overall rating of 3.3 out of 5. Employees also rated Hudson Insurance Group 4.0 out of 5 for Company Culture, 3.0 for Rewards You Receive, 2.0 for Growth Opportunities and 2.7 for support you get.
According to our data, the highest paying job at Hudson Insurance Group is a Senior Software Developer at $131,000 annually. Browse Hudson Insurance Group Salaries by Job Profile.
According to our data, the lowest paying job at Hudson Insurance Group is a Underwriting Assistant at $40,000 annually. Browse Hudson Insurance Group Salaries by Job Profile.
According to reviews on CareerBliss, employees commonly rated the pros of working at Hudson Insurance Group to be Company Culture, People You Work With, Person You Work For and Rewards You Receive, and cons to be Growth Opportunities and Support You Get.
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