Field Service Engineer Job & Career Information

What's it like to be a Field Service Engineer?

We have 7,763 Field Service Engineer jobs nationwide. The average Field Service Engineer salary is $56,000 annually, -$10K (16%) less than the average national salary. Statistically, Field Service Engineers are very happy with their career.

$56,000 Average Salary

Employee Reviews (682 reviews)

3.9 out of 5 stars
  • "I worked for thermatool it is a ok place to work. People are friendly and knowledgeable. The company has its quirks but it is ok. It is very old school in maneuver."

  • "I worked with Meyer Burger AG for more than 10 years. From the transition of buying off Roth and Rau to become leader in PECVD and PERC production tooling, this company emerges as one of the main runner in the industry of PV manufacturing. With headquarters at Germany and Switzerland this company employs more than thousand employees worldwide."

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