Fabris Iron Works Inc.: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Fabris Iron Works Inc. is $37K based on 5 user-submitted salaries
A total of 5 Fabris Iron Works Inc. employees gave Fabris Iron Works Inc. an average happiness rating of 2.1 out of 5.0.
2.1I have worked at Fabris for less than a year and I was very dissatisfied.
Very low wages, no raise and no benefits all. When it comes to asking or negotiating for raise, it results in a fight and conflict.
Sometimes, management and owners thinks highly about themselves and less about others. There is a lot of conflict of interest going on around as both management and store owners are family related.
One of the owners is a rude old man with a bad attitude that yells and swears too much to almost everyone (both people inside and outside of the organization), and always prefers to do things his own way.
The only good thing about this place is that the staff are friendly, helpful and trains you well. The staff are easy to get along with and treats each other like family.
2.1Very low wages, no raise and no benefits at all.
When it comes to asking or negotiating for raise, it results in a fight and conflict.
Sometimes, management and owners think highly about themselves as they are family related and thinks less about others.
One of the owners is a senile, rude and impatient old man with a bad attitude that yells and swears too much. Lots of things he does is old school and needs to learn to live in the present moment.
Great growth opportunity to learn and enhance your knowledge and experience in the field. Once you know all the work, everyday will just be same old and nothing new.
1Pays very poorly with no raise and does not provide any benefits at all. There is no opportunity to grow so once you know all the work, every day will just be the same old. Both management and owners mistreats their fellow employees, doesn't care and has no respect for them at all. They only do things that benefit themselves instead of benefitting their employees. One of the owners is a grumpy old man that yells at everybody.
Even McDonald's could be better than this company as McDonald's provides benefits, rewards and growth opportunities which this company lacks.
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