What is the average salary for Ernst & Young employees in Dallas, TX?
Ernst & Young employees in Dallas, TX earn $74,571 annually on average, or $36 per hour, which is 12% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Ernst & Young in Dallas, TX is 70,000 Anonymous Employee at $an annually.
Average Salaries at Ernst & Young for Popular Roles in Dallas, TX?
-$12K (20%) less than average Ernst & Young salary ($65K)
"The salary I received at Ernst and Young was comparably low to other cybersecurity analysts within and outside of the company. However, it was considered fair for the amount of experience I brought to the company. Other analysts that entered the security operations center were found to have earned a considerably larger amount in their initial salary compared to others that started in the company after them."
-$1K (1%) less than average Ernst & Young salary ($65K)
"Salary in public accounting is not competitive compared to industry level jobs. Although there is great room for improvement, staff and senior level positions will always remain very underpaid, especially when taking into consideration the work environment and expectations."