Equity Trust: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Equity Trust is $36K based on 23 user-submitted salaries
A total of 6 Equity Trust employees gave Equity Trust an average happiness rating of 4.2 out of 5.0.
Please for goodness sake revamp the sales department. Make it worthwhile for people to come into the office. For once ion your life act professional and not like scumbags. Get a real consultative sales process together and stop the boiler room antics. Last time I checked bolier rooms were gone in the 1980's. Learn how to become consultants. You are dealing with people's livelihood and their retirement money act like you give a crap about them instead of just another account. It's companies like you that give Financial Services a bad name.
3.4Equity provides in depth training, a great workplace environment, good pay, and even good opportunity for advancement. The biggest negative is the control you have over your work. This role is extrememly dependent on other team members who may or may not work as hard as you. The systems, while effective are plenty and could use some updates.
4.5Equity Trust Company had allowed me to learn so many new things and figure out who I am as a person when it comes to working with others and in a team. Working at Equity has allowed me to build my communication skills and become a better team leader in the work environment.
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