Engineer Consultant Job & Career Information

What's it like to be a Engineer Consultant?

We have 731 Engineer Consultant jobs nationwide. The average Engineer Consultant salary is $83,000 annually, +$17K (22%) more than the average national salary. Statistically, Engineer Consultants are very happy with their career.

$83,000 Average Salary

Employee Reviews (5 reviews)

4.6 out of 5 stars
  • "Love to work, work and work. Working as a part of Customer Engineering team always have the opportunity to meet new people and learn the unknown things from them.The only thing I hate is some part of the times I need to work overnight sacrificing sleep to resolve the customer issues and send the reports to higher authority level about the success reports."

  • "I really like to work in this position because as a part of customer engineering team I always work with different customers and get the chance of meeting new people and learn the new unknown things from them."

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