Defense Contract Management Agency: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at Defense Contract Management Agency is $61K based on 124 user-submitted salaries
A total of 11 Defense Contract Management Agency employees gave Defense Contract Management Agency an average happiness rating of 3.5 out of 5.0.
3.5I have worked for DCMA since 2008. I have seen only two strong supervisors during that time: both were my own supervisors, and both had the spine to stand up to the upper management for their teams, tell the headquarters folks when they were wrong, or were there to get you what you needed to get your job done and then prodded you into pursuing activities that would improve me.I have also had three supervisors that couldn't empty water from a boot with instructions printed on the heel. These three supervisors I would not trust to stick up for me (and in fact, I had to stick up for myself).If you land a job at the right office, with the right supervisor, and commander, then it is a somewhat enjoyable place to work. The job requires you to perform more job functions than at a private company (I've been on both sides of the revolving door), but you are NOT compensated accordingly. If you take all of your job functions and you look at similar jobs in industry, you are likely severely underpaid for equivalent work (in my case, I make about one third of the equivalent private industry positions). This is partly because I wear four hats: lead engineer, program manager, team lead, back-up supervisor.
4.8Streamline the paperwork requirements make it more automated so that more time can be spent in the field were production is being performed..
1 Technical Lead from Defense Contract Management Agency submitted reviews
3.7DCMA has helped me grow extensively as a professional. I started in an entry-level position in Government contract management and now work as a lead for a team that provides production contract management for different branches of the military. DCMA has helped me become well versed in a variety of complex Government software and gain confidence in leading teams and ensuring customer satisfaction with the end-users of a Government contract.
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