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Working at D3 Solutions, Inc. in Beaverton, OR: 1 Employee Job Reviews by Real Employee working in Beaverton, OR Area

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On average, employees in Beaverton, OR at D3 Solutions, Inc. give their company a 2.0 rating out of 5.0 based on 1, whereas overall Average Rating of D3 Solutions, Inc. is 2.0 out of 5.0 based on 1 D3 Solutions, Inc. Review Ratings. The happiest D3 Solutions, Inc. employees in Beaverton, OR are Anonymous Employees submitting an average rating of 2.0.

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(based on 1 D3 Solutions, Inc. Review Rating)

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Working at D3 Solutions, Inc. in Beaverton, OR: 1 Employee Reviews

D3 Solutions, Inc. Employee

"D3 Solutions is part of Smart Circle. They tell you that within 6 to 9 months you will own your own "company" and be making 6 figures. In reality you will get minimum wage to walk around Home Depots alone 6 days/week trying to talk to as many people as possible (keeping a tally on a paint chip, which will be reviewed the next day) hoping that someone will sign up for a free in-home consult so you can maybe make a little bit of commission. You don't know where you will be going to until that morning either, so hopefully you don't like to have a life. It's a bit hard to plan anything when, for all you know, you might be driving an hour away (without compensation for drive time/mileage). You'll likely stay after your shift ends trying to get 1 lead too, but it was your choice so don't write it on your time sheet. And be sure to lie about not taking lunch because you were so desperate for commission you worked through it. The 1 hr in the office every AM is high energy & motivating, but is the only enjoyable part of the day. Even then, you are mostly being brainwashed about how "the systems" will "get you to your opportunity". Ex: "garden theory" - in the AM you "plant" and get 1-2 leads, in the afternoon you "water" and get 1-2 leads, and in the PM you "harvest" and get 2-3 leads. (There is "gum ball theory" too, to give you an idea of professionalism.) If you apply here, be prepared to be miserable, isolated, tired, and broke. And when you can't take it anymore, D3 will tell you it's just your mentality. But it's hard to keep up your mentality when walking around Home Depot alone >40hr/wk getting turned down by 98% of people you talk to, just to make a few $100, has officially made you lose your mind. I would rather go back to weekend split shifts cleaning dog kennels for $7/hr than spend 1 more day here."

Person You Work For 4 / 5 People You Work With 3 / 5 Work Setting 1 / 5
Support You Get 1 / 5 Rewards You Receive 1 / 5 Growth Opportunities 2 / 5
Company Culture 1 / 5 Way You Work 3 / 5
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