On average, employees at Computer Generated Solutions give their company a 3.5 rating out of 5.0 - which is 11% lower than the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. The happiest Computer Generated Solutions employees are Technical Support Representatives submitting an average rating of 3.5.
"Stay Away"
What do you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"Many of the people who worked there at the time were interesting, smart people."
What don't you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"The management team is ridiculous. Stay away."
"The worst company someone could work for"
What do you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"helping people"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"It will not help you place good jobs in the IT computer fields of work.Do not accept the scam offered computertraining.com"
What don't you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"not having time to help people and unconditional work ethics."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Care about those whom you manage,reward people with raises not simple thank you letters."
What do you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"that SOME of the rep were professionals"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"ONLY work here if you have another job"
What don't you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"the hours of operation were poor, not enough material for the product, supervisor were never around. the rep were always over worked due to the staffing problem"
What suggestions do you have for management?
"that they work with the staff instead of hiding from them until they have something bad to come down on them with."
"It's about time."
What do you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"I loved helping the customers, and I loved my co-workers."
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Take some time to review the position, determine if the pay is adequate, and if everything meets your requirements, take the job. It is a great learning experience, and you will be dealing with tons of different software and hardware."
What don't you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"The pay was horrible but it's a great place to start if you have no experience."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Compensate your employees adequately and you'll retain more qualified employees."
"it was an experience to handle people over the phone line"
What do you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"the co-workers"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"get the position and in the mean time look for a better job as soon as posible"
What don't you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"the hours, some of the costumers, and under staff specially in the team I was."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"hier more people if not raise the salary"
"Great starting company for the IT Career Path"
What do you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"Being in the IT career field and working on computers"
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Know your computer knowledge and be yourself"
"Review of a former employer."
What do you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"I advanced pretty quickly."
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Do good work and you'll have no problems keeping your job."
What don't you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"Morale at the call center was always pretty low."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Managers need more management training."
What do you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"The management and co-workers. The training and courses received over the tenure of the job."
Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?
"Anyone applying for this position to be sure that they have the correct proven skills."
What don't you like about working at Computer Generated Solutions?
"There was very little chance for growth. There was not proper recognition and incentives offered."
What suggestions do you have for management?
"Give incentives and chances for growth by for example offering education help and internal promotions."
"Good starting I.T. job to give you the basic tools."
Computer Generated Solutions has an overall rating of 3.5 Average Rating out of 5, based on over 32 Computer Generated Solutions Review Ratings left anonymously by Computer Generated Solutions employees, which is 10% lower than the average rating for all companies on CareerBliss. 84% of employees would recommend working at Computer Generated Solutions.
Computer Generated Solutions employees earn $30,000 annually on average, or $14 per hour, which is 55% lower than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. 17 Computer Generated Solutions employees have shared their salaries on CareerBliss. Find Computer Generated Solutions Salaries by Job Title.
84% of employees would recommend working at Computer Generated Solutions with the overall rating of 3.5 out of 5. Employees also rated Computer Generated Solutions 3.3 out of 5 for Company Culture, 3.0 for Rewards You Receive, 2.8 for Growth Opportunities and 3.6 for support you get.
According to our data, the highest paying job at Computer Generated Solutions is a SharePoint Architect at $155,000 annually. Browse Computer Generated Solutions Salaries by Job Profile.
According to our data, the lowest paying job at Computer Generated Solutions is a Mobile Technician at $18,000 annually. Browse Computer Generated Solutions Salaries by Job Profile.
According to reviews on CareerBliss, employees commonly rated the pros of working at Computer Generated Solutions to be Company Culture, People You Work With, Person You Work For and Rewards You Receive, and cons to be Growth Opportunities.
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