What is the average salary for Cisco Systems employees in Seattle, WA?
Cisco Systems employees in Seattle, WA earn $109,000 annually on average, or $52 per hour, which is 49% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Cisco Systems in Seattle, WA is 90,000 Software Development Engineer at $a annually.
Average Salaries at Cisco Systems for Popular Roles in Seattle, WA?
+$14K (13%) more than average Cisco Systems salary ($95K)
"I've made the same for several years now, but it's at the high end so it's not too bad. I've never been offered enough more to make me willing to switch."
What is the highest paying job at Cisco Systems in Seattle, WA?
Lead Engineer
is the highest paying job at Cisco Systems at $77,000 annually in Seattle, WA.
What is the lowest paying job at Cisco Systems in Seattle, WA?
IT Administrator
is the lowest paying job at Cisco Systems at $77,000 annually in Seattle, WA.
How much does Cisco Systems pay an hour in Seattle, WA?
On an average Cisco Systems employees earn approximately $52 per hour in Seattle, WA.
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