BorgWarner: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at BorgWarner is $60K based on 308 user-submitted salaries
A total of 62 BorgWarner employees gave BorgWarner an average happiness rating of 3.9 out of 5.0.
4.5Culture and work environment is very good here. I have been with BorgWarner for nearly 7 years; 3 at this location. HR does a great job with providing all kind of programs and opportunities for employees. Benefits are not the best I have had, but are very close. This location is one of the pay-leaders in the area. Chance to travel and/or work globally if you wish to work at another plant.
5I have worked for BorgWarner since January of 2019. The job provided me a very good opportunity to work in different fields in my career such as developing an application from scratch where I have to meet with the users and gather information. Then develop the applications using C#.
During the process of the development, I met with the users to present the work and to get a feedback of the application.
I am currently working in the news technology that (PowerApps) to make a new application. This Technology is a great tool that provide the users the availability to fill and approve applications through a mobile phone.
2.9Connect more with people who are in the middle levels of the plant and listen to their concerns and suggestions. Get out on the floor more often and learn how things are really done.
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