BI-LO: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at BI-LO is $25K based on 148 user-submitted salaries
A total of 15 BI-LO employees gave BI-LO an average happiness rating of 3.4 out of 5.0.
3.9I like working at Bilo. It is a good start for people that just need money around the holidays or something to keep you busy. It can be helpful to work there because it is a grocery store, so you meet a lot of different people from very different backgrounds. The pay is low, but the work is not necessarily difficult. The first few days can be tough, but once you actually do the job for a little while, you get used to it.
1.6I have been working since Dec. 2011 and I started in the deli bakery, filled in for the DSD receiver, moved to cashier and a week later to customer service. Soon as the DSD position opened up I applied and got it. In order for me to get full time position I had to pick up GM. So yes, I am DSD receiver and GM manager. I love my job and it can get stressful at times but great hours. The only problem I have with Bi-Lo, they do not like to pay you. I still make minimum wage! PAY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.1Do their jobs. I feel as if they get paid five times more to do ten times less amount of work. And then they blame everyone else when things go wrong. Own up to your mistakes people!
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