How Much Does America Family Insurance Pay in Madison, WI?
What is the average salary for America Family Insurance employees in Madison, WI?
America Family Insurance employees in Madison, WI earn $73,000 annually on average, or $35 per hour, which is 10% higher than the national salary average of $66,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at America Family Insurance in Madison, WI is 100,000 Technical Release Manager at $a annually while the lowest paying job in a at America Family Insurance is a Process Automation and Tech Intern at $42,000 annually.
Average Salaries at America Family Insurance for Popular Roles in Madison, WI?
-$10K (28%) less than average America Family Insurance salary ($40K)
"To be fair, the company recently instituted an initial $20/hour starting salary. My department was the lowest paid in the company. Human resources also considered the increase as a raise so none of us were issued 'raises' for that year."