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21 Administrative Director Reviews

Administrative Directors give their job an average rating of 4.0 out of 5.0. The Administrative Directors happiest with their jobs are employed by American Nursing Care with an average rating of 4.8 while the Administrative Directors least happy with their jobs work for Southeast Arizona Medical Center with an average rating of 1.9.

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Administrative Director at Comercial de Carnes Frias del Norte
in Mexico, MO
Person You Work For 5 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 5 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 5 / 5 Growth Opportunities 5 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Administrative Director at C P Reineberg Co LLC
in York New Salem, PA
Person You Work For 5 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 5 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 5 / 5 Growth Opportunities 5 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Administrative Director at House of Balsamic
in Lake Forest, CA

What do you like about working at House of Balsamic?

"House of Balsamic is a fast paced environment. Working there I can apply the skills and experience I acquired during my professional career. I truly enjoy the people I work with and the product we sell."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Be passionate about what we do and you will be successfull"

What don't you like about working at House of Balsamic?

"House of Balsamic is a small company and at this poing there is not advancement opportunity for me. Also I would like to have a better set of benefits and a higher salary"

What suggestions do you have for management?

"I trust my bosses direction. There is nothing I would change. At times I might have question some of the decissions, but in all of those ocasions, my superiors have answered my questions and reassurend me that it was the best way to go."

Person You Work For 5 / 5 People You Work With 4 / 5 Work Setting 4 / 5
Support You Get 3 / 5 Rewards You Receive 1 / 5 Growth Opportunities 1 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 3 / 5

Administrative Director Career Rating Comparison

All Administrative Directors
4.8 Highest Rated Administrative Directors is at American Nursing Care (1)
1.9 Lowest Rated Administrative Directors is at Southeast Arizona Medical Center (8)
Administrative Director at Southeast Arizona Medical Center
in Douglas, AZ

Please give us a one liner to describe this review.

"The worst 2.5 years of my life."

What do you like about working at Southeast Arizona Medical Center?

"There is not much to like here at SAMC Douglas."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Don't do it. The biggest mistake I have ever made."

What don't you like about working at Southeast Arizona Medical Center?

"The self-perpetuating Board of Directors does not know the breadth and scope of their duties. The CFO is a promoted Biller with no education and the CEO is the Board's puppet with no original self-direction or backbone."

What suggestions do you have for management?

"Get rid of the Board of Directors and sell out to an outfit that is better educated and more knowledgeable in operations."

Person You Work For 2 / 5 People You Work With 4 / 5 Work Setting 1 / 5
Support You Get 1 / 5 Rewards You Receive 1 / 5 Growth Opportunities 1 / 5
Company Culture 1 / 5 Way You Work 4 / 5
Administrative Director at Advanced Interventional Radiology Services
in Teaneck, NJ

Please give us a one liner to describe this review.

"I love the medical field, helping patients, learning new things daily"

What do you like about working at Advanced Interventional Radiology Services?

"I loved coming to work and although there were days where you did the same thing over and over, at the same time, you were able to see new people/patients, learn new things, and continue to make the practice grow"

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"You need to be yourself when interviewing for any job and your desire for the position will show"

What don't you like about working at Advanced Interventional Radiology Services?

"The commute since I lived in New York and the job was in New Jersey - after several years, it got to be too much"

What suggestions do you have for management?

"I would say to managment, appreciate the workers you have even with a simple thank you as it makes all the difference"

Person You Work For 5 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 5 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 5 / 5 Growth Opportunities 4 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Administrative Director at Northwestern University
Work Setting 4 / 5 Support You Get 4.2 / 5 Rewards You Receive 3.3 / 5
Growth Opportunities 4.6 / 5 Company Culture 4.3 / 5 Way You Work 4.2 / 5
Administrative Director at American Nursing Care

Please give us a one liner to describe this review.

"I enjoyed working with ANC and received great support."

Person You Work For 4.3 / 5 People You Work With 4.5 / 5 Work Setting 4.6 / 5
Support You Get 4.9 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4.9 / 5 Growth Opportunities 4.9 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
Administrative Director at CIGNA
in Phoenix, AZ
Support You Get 3.9 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4 / 5 Growth Opportunities 4.8 / 5
Company Culture 3.9 / 5 Way You Work 3.9 / 5
Administrative Director at Balboa Capital
in San Diego, CA
Person You Work For 4.7 / 5 People You Work With 4.9 / 5 Work Setting 4.7 / 5
Support You Get 4.7 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4.5 / 5 Growth Opportunities 4.6 / 5
Company Culture 4.5 / 5 Way You Work 4.5 / 5
Administrative Director at Community Legal Information Center
in Chico, CA
Person You Work For 5 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 4.1 / 5
Support You Get 4.4 / 5 Rewards You Receive 4 / 5 Growth Opportunities 5 / 5
Company Culture 4 / 5 Way You Work 4 / 5
Administrative Director at Hattiesburg Public School District

Please give us a one liner to describe this review.

"Hattiesburg Public Schools was the foundation of my life and I enjoyed making it equally as important for those that followed behind me."

What do you like about working at Hattiesburg Public School District?

"It was personal and not just work. I went for being schooled there to helping school others."

What don't you like about working at Hattiesburg Public School District?

"The lack of flexibility. I needed to relocate for school but the locations were limited to one given area."

Administrative Director at EPIC Media Group
in Marina del Rey, CA

Please give us a one liner to describe this review.

"I love the company and the owners, very understanding and great people to work for."

What do you like about working at EPIC Media Group?

"Great bosses"

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Be committed!"

What don't you like about working at EPIC Media Group?

"The distance was too far from my home"

What suggestions do you have for management?

"Keep doing what you're doing"

Administrative Director at Barnabas Health
in Bronx, NY

Please give us a one liner to describe this review.

"Tough place but you can learn a lot."

What do you like about working at Barnabas Health?

"Senior Management allowed me to develop the program according to the needs of the community and CBOs. You can learn different areas of operations and fiscal management."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Be prepared to go beyond your work scope."

What don't you like about working at Barnabas Health?

"The increase workload eliminated any opportunity to develop new areas for growth which created a difficult work environment."

What suggestions do you have for management?

"Recognize your management team. They are the force that drives the workforce and understand the environment. Crisis management does not allow room for personal and staff development."

Administrative Director at The Campagna Center
in Alexandria, VA

Please give us a one liner to describe this review.

"I loved this job."

What do you like about working at The Campagna Center?

"Work with the troubled teenagers."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Be useful, honest and resourceful."

What don't you like about working at The Campagna Center?

"They terminated the teen program."

Administrative Director at John F Kennedy University
in Pleasant Hill, CA

Please give us a one liner to describe this review.

"This review is adequate for informational purposes."

What do you like about working at John F Kennedy University?

"Professional growth opportunities are offered at JFKU. Working for a company where the mission of diversity and professional support are adhered is of utmost importance."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"The environment is overly-relaxed, therefore there is a tendency for most of the employees to be complacent (almost lethargic). They love the comfort zones, which can have both positive and negative aspects. Don't get complacent. Keep those innovative, creative abilities stirred up."

What don't you like about working at John F Kennedy University?

"Salary is not compatible to most higher education institutions in the area."

What suggestions do you have for management?

"Consider reallocation of budget to provide more competitive salary for employees."

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