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Platt College Employee Reviews for Dental Assistant

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Dental Assistant
in Dallas, TX

"If this was my school when I attended I would have quit after 1 week!"

What do you like about working at Platt College?

"Most of the employees were friendly."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Unless you understand the concept of the students all being in different phases of your class,or modules as Platt called it, some students were in the first module & others were in the 3rd or 4th modules and then some ready to graduate all in the same class. Its very overwhelming and frustrating. Nothing like it was when I took this class at another College 25 years ago."

What don't you like about working at Platt College?

"I worked there for 2bout 2 months and from day 1 I felt overwhelmed hoping it would get better.I felt like I was just thrown into the position. There was no set curriculum to go by. Very unorganized and alot of interruption from the day instructor.Numerous times I had prepared for the class and she would take over and do something completely different than what I prepared, making me feel very inadequate and appearing very unprepared to my students. It was very frustrating."

What suggestions do you have for management?

"A more structured and organized daily planning for the instructors. And to suggest less interference from the other instructors unless asked or needed."

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