Working at Law Office of Evan L Ginsburg in Brea, CA: 1 Employee Job Reviews by Real Employee working in Brea, CA Area

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On average, employees in Brea, CA at Law Office of Evan L Ginsburg give their company a 5.0 rating out of 5.0 based on 1, whereas overall Average Rating of Law Office of Evan L Ginsburg is 5.0 out of 5.0 based on 1 Law Office of Evan L Ginsburg Review Ratings. The happiest Law Office of Evan L Ginsburg employees in Brea, CA are Associate Attorneys submitting an average rating of 5.0.

Average Rating
(based on 1 Law Office of Evan L Ginsburg Review Rating)

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Working at Law Office of Evan L Ginsburg in Brea, CA: 1 Employee Reviews

Associate Attorney

"Working with Evan L. Ginsburg was a great experience. Having worked in family law since 2015, I was very excited to grow my practice to all parts of civil litigation. Evan took me under his wing and allowed me to attend and participate in all mediations, depositions, arbitrations, and court appearances with him. Unfortunately, he had to move offices and down size the firm, however, my experience there has made me hungry to continue expanding my legal expertise at a new civil litigation firm."

Person You Work For 5 / 5 People You Work With 5 / 5 Work Setting 5 / 5
Support You Get 5 / 5 Rewards You Receive 5 / 5 Growth Opportunities 5 / 5
Company Culture 5 / 5 Way You Work 5 / 5
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