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Intel Employee Reviews for 3D Planner

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3D Planner
in Rio Rancho, NM

"Cruise-ship now a slave-galley... Good boat, NO rudder!"

What do you like about working at Intel?

"Attention to ergonomics-high; working office environment-good; safety in the workplace-lip service and signage but no enforcement. Co-workers were good people trying to perform well, under financial duress of no cost-of-living raises, much less merit-raises since 2000."

Do you have any tips for others interviewing with this company?

"Read up on body-language. They're REALLY into interpreting your capabilities by how you express yourself physically. Don't lean back during the interview...ever...shows aloofness, disinterest. Never speak badly of previous employers as I am now but don't sugar-coat your separation either. As described previously, DO NOT RELY ON THEIR VERBAL PROMISES! GET IT IN WRITING WITH INTEL-LETTERHEAD AND MANAGERIAL SIGNATURES ON IT!"

What don't you like about working at Intel?

"For supervisor-level & higher management the opportunity for advancement and professional growth were great from what I was told. For the lower ranks they were extremely limited if it interfered with your work schedule. Laying off staff, then demanding the few remaining workersparticularly clean-room technicians aka MT's to 'pick up the slack' with no incentives other than the threat of being laid off next, hardly seems like good business practice. When I transferred from being an MT to a Facilities Planner (requiring much more engineering abilities than your usual MT has) I was promised NO reduction in pay, but Intel reduced my pay by 41%, causing me to have to get a 2ND job to meet my mortgage payments. I got financially screwed with NO recourse...I got the job or I could leave. Ultimately I was laid-off after seven years of dedicated employment (Letters of recommendation on file) in spite of the lack of COL-raises and avoiding political in-fighting between departments."

What suggestions do you have for management?

"Get back to the template Andy Grove and the other two founders established for the company. Reward the workers for productivity and innovation on the manufacturing floor as well as the egg-head architects of the circuitry. Allow the MTs to expand their education via on-campus online college instruction, if allowing them time to go to class is impossible. Stop treating your night-shifts 4 & 6 like they are lepers not worthy of the same treatment and communication that day-shifters receive. Bring back relevant team-building sessions. Stop arbitrary headhunts every time an MT is involved in a misprocess. Record the glitch and move on by instituting new procedures or changing existing ones. No sense in making the existing paranoia any more tangible than it already is. Recognize & reward those who come up with good ideas to make things better, easier, less costly, safer."

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