SouthWest Electronic Energy: Latest Job Openings, Reviews and Ratings & Profile wise Salary Distribution
We've calculated that the average salary at SouthWest Electronic Energy is $49K based on 6 user-submitted salaries
A total of 1 SouthWest Electronic Energy employees gave SouthWest Electronic Energy an average happiness rating of 1.9 out of 5.0.
1.7"Since 1964" is the guest wifi password and that pretty much sums up the mentality and policies of this company. The company is run by a passive-aggressive, unstable COO who basically berates and denigrates everyone else in the company, including the CFO and VP of Sales into doing whatever she wants to have done. Even during the height of the pandemic, the corporate policy was to deny anyone the ability to work from home as, "We can't trust what you are doing if we can't see you in the office." This lack of trust is the foundation of this company... and their purchase by the Ultralife Corporation in May 2019 did nothing to change this. This company has always had a manufacturing-only mindset and does not appreciate the engineering or technology of any kind. Pay, benefits, the work environment, and upward mobility are abysmal, so if you are ever considering working here... do yourself a favor and spare yourself the misery.
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